How to Build a Strong Social Media Branding for Small Business in 2023

How to Build a Strong Social Media Branding for Small Business in 2023

Creating a solid presence on social media is of utmost importance as it is a fiercely competitive platform where businesses strive to captivate and retain devoted followers. To have a strong presence on social media., it is essential to follow specific guidelines. Your content must be distinct and memorable while remaining aligned with your brand identity.

A robust brand presence will enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of your social media strategy. Below is a comprehensive manual that outlines the process of crafting a social media brand and seamlessly integrating it across various platforms.


When purchasing products, trust in a business name plays a significant role. Building credibility establishes the value of your offerings in the eyes of consumers. Therefore, as an entrepreneur, prioritizing the development of a successful brand name is crucial.

Social media branding has played a pivotal role in cultivating this influence. Social media branding is an ideal starting point for most businesses to connect with their target audience. It serves as the primary platform where consumers share their opinions about brands and engage with them.

According to Bop Design, approximately 80% of consumers are more inclined to consider solutions from the brands they follow on social networks. In this article, I will guide you in building an authentic and strong brand image on social media, enhancing your media strategy's effectiveness.

Imagine encountering inconsistent descriptions of a business on different social networks. It can be confusing and discouraging to engage with such a business. Consistency is highly valued, and when your social media profiles maintain a consistent image across various platforms, visitors form positive associations. Regardless of the social network, they will know what to expect.

Research indicates that 60% of US millennials expect consistent experiences when interacting with brands online, in-store, or by phone. Start by using a professional profile picture consistent across all your social networks. This image is just the beginning. Cultivate a cohesive image by aligning your brand's voice, imagery, colors, and overall outlook.

Stephanie Schwab suggests considering four specific aspects when determining your social media brand voice. Defining your online persona will make your social media conversations feel natural, and your followers will feel more connected to you and look forward to your updates.

Investing considerable effort into social media and maintaining consistency is essential to establish your brand. While this may require dedication, the rewards will undoubtedly make it worthwhile. With that in mind, it's time to implement the social media strategies discussed in this article. By implementing these strategies effectively, you can pave the way for a successful and impactful brand presence on social media. So, embark on this journey, knowing that the benefits awaiting you will justify your hard work and consistency in building your brand on social media.

What is Social Media Branding?

Social media branding refers to establishing and promoting a consistent brand identity and image across various social media platforms. It strategically uses branding elements, such as logos, color schemes, typography, and brand messaging, to create a recognizable and cohesive online brand presence.

A successful social media branding strategy aligns the brand's values, personality, and visual identity with the target audience's preferences and expectations. It involves developing a clear brand message and voice that resonates with followers and consistently delivering it through engaging content.

Visual content plays a crucial role in social media branding. Graphics design involves producing attractive visuals such as pictures, videos, infographics, and other graphic elements. It is an integral part of the branding process. Graphic design creators are instrumental in crafting eye-catching visuals that capture the brand's essence and effectively communicate its message.

Brand design is a fundamental aspect of social media branding, encompassing the overall look and feel of the brand's visual elements. It involves designing a cohesive visual identity that reflects the brand's personality, values, and positioning. Consistent social media content requires clear visual guidelines, including logos, color schemes, and fonts.

In summary, social media branding revolves around developing a strategic approach to showcase and promote branding on social media platforms. It entails utilizing branding elements, creating visually appealing content, and employing graphic design to establish a solid and consistent brand presence that resonates with the target audience.

How to Create a Social Media Branding Strategy

Social media has evolved far beyond its initial purpose of connecting with old high school friends. It has become a valuable resource for advertisers who can leverage effective social media branding and marketing strategies. However, with platforms like Instagram and Facebook frequently changing their algorithms, it can take time to determine the best approach for your brand.

Many digital marketers try various tactics, such as consistently posting high-quality content and optimizing engagement timing. Despite their efforts, they often need help to surpass their competitors. So, what sets their competitors apart? One common factor emerges when examining successful social media branding campaigns: competitors invest time and money in developing clever strategies to attract more attention. They maintain a consistent presence, engaging with their followers on every post.

6 Social Media Branding Techniques

This is just one piece of the puzzle. There are more strategies to explore. Here are six social media branding techniques your competitors might use to generate more leads.

1. Reposting Blog Content Multiple Times

Don't limit yourself to sharing a blog post on your social profiles just once. To increase engagement, share your blog posts multiple times across all your social accounts. Were you concerned about boring your audience? Get creative with how you present the same blog post. Modify your captions with a fresh twist during subsequent shares.

You can incorporate statistics or intriguing quotes into the caption. If there's a trending topic in the news or social media, find a way to relate your caption. It is recommended only to share blog posts related to the trending topic. By doing this, you can capture your audience's attention better. They might have scrolled past your post the first time, but an exciting hook added during the second share could make them take notice and engage with it. Reposting the same content can yield more engagement.

AdEspresso, for example, benefited greatly from this strategy by sharing the same post with their audience but with a different caption.

2. Encouraging User Generated Content

Content creation shouldn't be a one-way street. Traditionally, brands would post content for their audience to consume. However, the trend is shifting towards user-generated content. Encourage your audience to post photos or videos and tag your brand in their content. You can even create a unique hashtag for your brand and ask users to include it in their posts. This way, you can generate more content without directly investing additional resources. It also helps build a community of users who genuinely care about your brand.

In this process, your audience becomes an advocate for your brand. You can curate or feature the best user-generated content on your social media accounts, allowing users to shine in the spotlight. This approach increases the likelihood of receiving voluntary shoutouts on social media, expanding your reach and fostering greater engagement.

Buffer achieved remarkable success by incorporating user-generated content into their social media strategy. Their Instagram account grew by nearly 400% within a year of embracing user-generated content.

3. Utilizing Relevant Hashtags

Your content may be outstanding, but if it fails to reach the right audience, you're losing ground to your competitors. To target the right audience, integrate hashtags effectively into your social media branding strategy.

Hashtags serve as a powerful tool for improving visibility if used correctly. They help discover your content through searches, allowing you to reach a broader target audience. To make a significant impact, conduct thorough hashtag research. Rather than bombarding your posts with numerous hashtags, use the most relevant ones. Choose hashtags your target audience will likely search for and monitor their search volumes. A hashtag with millions of posts indicates intense competition that might not benefit you.

After a few posts, analyze which hashtags generate more visibility and engagement for your brand. Incorporate them more frequently, but avoid going overboard.

4. Collaborating with Influencers

Established bloggers and prominent brands boast substantial and loyal followings. Wouldn't it be great if your posts garnered the same level of engagement? It's possible by collaborating with influencers as part of your social media branding strategy.

However, it's crucial to identify the right influencers whose niche aligns with your brand and who have a solid engagement rate. Create an outreach program to connect and familiarize them with your brand. Tools like GRIN can help you find and connect with suitable campaign influencers.

Encourage your influencers to provide authentic reviews about your products. You can also offer promo codes or discount coupons to their followers. Contests or giveaways hosted by influencers are another practical approach.

Revolve, a clothing retailer, has successfully leveraged influencer marketing for its social media branding. They partnered with well-known beauty bloggers such as Fleur de Force and Devin Seymour to reach a wider audience. These bloggers showcased Revolve's clothing and highlighted its noteworthy features on their social media accounts.

5. Taking a Stand on Social Causes

Demonstrate that your brand genuinely cares about a social cause that aligns with your values. You will likely attract individuals who share similar ideals by resonating with your voice with a reason.

Many brands shy away from taking a bold stance for fear of losing followers or being labeled in a particular way. However, you can use the same reasoning to support a cause. It can be a significant advantage. Demonstrating your brand's personality and social awareness by associating with relevant social causes is essential. This shows that you're more than just focused on sales and promotions. However, it's vital to handle sensitive issues with care, as this strategy can significantly impact your brand's image.

Procter and Gamble's feminine hygiene product line, Always, created waves with its #LikeAGirl campaign. The campaign began in 2014 to support women and was reintroduced last year through a YouTube video. The video gained over 3.4 million views and sparked discussions on other platforms.

The #LikeAGirl campaign brought attention to a severe social issue, initiating a dialogue addressing a societal problem. Additionally, it cleverly garnered positive attention for the brand.

6. Excelling in Customer Service

Although "the customer is king" is a widely accepted concept, only a select few businesses implement solid systems and procedures to uphold it.

Some best practices for delivering superior customer service include cross-selling, upselling, post-sales support, and maintenance services. Monitoring and studying your competition's customer service efforts can provide valuable insights.

Utilizing customer feedback has proven to be a successful branding strategy on social media for various industries. Customer service is critical in retaining and acquiring existing customers regardless of your business.

Utilize user feedback and polls to gain insights about your brand and competitors. You can create surveys in your CRM system and send them via email to clients at various stages. Alternatively, consider gathering more insightful feedback through non-traditional survey methods.

For example, Starbucks asks exciting questions customers are likely to answer, aiming to derive deeper insights.

Customer satisfaction is critical to building a profitable business as it fosters trust. Customer support should be easily accessible and prompt in addressing customer issues. Social media platforms offer an opportunity to engage in customer service conversations visible to multiple users. Providing excellent service will earn you praise, while poor support quality can drive potential customers away.

Significant brands like IBM recognize the potential of using social media for customer service. That's why their social media branding strategy includes maintaining a dedicated support page on Twitter.

In conclusion, social media is a robust audience engagement and publicity tool. With effective social media branding strategies, you can drive traffic and convert leads automatically. From established brands to small startups, everyone is capitalizing on this opportunity.

Given the abundance of noise in the virtual world, effective communication is vital to preserving your voice. Observe and analyze your competitors' actions, learn from their mistakes, and identify what they consistently do right.

Develop your strategy based on successful ideas from those who dominate social media. Learning from your competitors is the best way to surpass and stay ahead.

Best Strategies for Small Businesses

In 2023, social media will continue to be an essential platform for small businesses to build their brand and engage with their target audience. To effectively leverage social media branding, here are some best strategies for small businesses:

  1. Define your brand identity: Establish your brand identity, including your values, mission, and unique selling proposition. This will be an essential starting point for establishing your brand on social media.

  2. Identify your target audience: Understand who your target audience is, their preferences, and the social media platforms they are most active on. This knowledge will help you tailor your content and messages accordingly.

  3. Consistent brand visuals: Develop a cohesive visual identity for your brand, including a logo design, color scheme, and fonts. Use these consistently across all your social media profiles to create a recognizable and professional brand presence.

  4. Engaging content strategy: Create a content strategy that aligns with your brand identity and resonates with your target audience. Mix different types of content, such as informative posts, behind-the-scenes glimpses, user-generated content, and promotional offers to keep your audience engaged.

  5. Video content: Video continues to dominate social media platforms. Incorporate videos into your content strategy, including product demos, tutorials, interviews, or entertaining videos related to your industry. Leverage the popularity of platforms like TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube.

  6. Influencer collaborations: Collaborate with relevant influencers or micro-influencers in your industry to expand your reach and gain credibility. Choose influencers who align with your brand values and have an engaged following that matches your target audience.

  7. Authenticity and storytelling: Share authentic stories about your brand, its journey, and the people behind it. Humanize your business by showcasing your team, customer success stories, and community involvement. Authenticity builds trust and fosters a deeper connection with your audience.

  8. Community engagement: Actively engage with your audience by responding to comments, messages, and mentions. Encourage conversations, ask questions, and seek feedback. This interaction helps to build a loyal community and strengthens your brand reputation.

  9. Social media advertising: Invest in targeted social media advertising to reach a wider audience and promote your products or services. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn offer robust advertising options to help you get your desired demographics.

  10. Analytics and optimization: Regularly analyze your social media performance using platform insights and analytics tools. Monitor engagement metrics, audience demographics, and content performance to identify what works best for your brand. Optimize your strategy based on these insights.

Indeed, you can effortlessly drive traffic and convert leads by implementing effective strategies. This opportunity is being seized by many businesses, from established brands to small startups.

However, the virtual world is saturated with noise, making it essential to communicate effectively. It is crucial to be observant and stay informed about your competitors' activities. Learn from their errors and identify the strategies they consistently excel in.

While developing your unique strategy, draw inspiration from the successful tactics employed by industry leaders. Learning from your competitors is the most effective way to gain a competitive edge and ensure your progress in the social media landscape.


Short Bio:

Jenn Pereira is a Content Strategist at, an intuitive design platform that provides tools like a logo creator, image AI generator and t-shirt design maker. She utilizes her extensive experience in user needs analysis to develop social media branding strategies that effectively engage a diverse range of users.